
Ashley Feltner

Ashley is a writer, an artist, and an ideator who has placed storytelling into her process for bringing sales and marketing ideas to life for over 20 years. Her background includes recruiting, training, content development, and ERG leadership within highly matrixed organizations that provide her a unique perspective and an ability to authentically connect with individuals from all walks of life. With the desire to place a little humanity into the digital experience, Ashley believes that words do matter, a little empathy goes a long way, and having a purpose in life is imperative. She and her husband Gabe live in Nashville, TN with two very active teenage daughters and two very lazy field spaniels.

Adding Improved Cellular Health to Your 2024 Timeline

If you are looking for a resolution for 2024 that is really relatively easy and can pack a big punch, look no further than MitopureⓇ, one of the most researched longevity supplements on the market for the past two years. According to Steve Mister, President and CEO of the...

The Inside Scoop on Hydration As We Age

January is known for being a time to metaphorically hit life’s reset button. One of the easiest and most impactful things we can do is to pay attention to our hydration needs — especially as we age. You might be surprised to learn that with age your ability to...

My Divi Routine Part 2

Get ready with me (GRWM) and get to know more about Divi. One of the perks about being on the AGEIST team is learning more about lesser known brands and the serious solutions they’ve perfected. I’ve never really had happy hair and the science behind my new hair happiness...

Broaden Your Approach to Protecting Your Immune System

It’s that time of year: holiday parties, celebrations, family gatherings, and the ringing in of a brand new year. And with all that joy and frivolity comes a bit of added stress, right alongside the height of cold and flu season. All of these factors make it a key...

My Divi Hair Routine Part I

Get ready with me (GRWM) and learn more about Divi. We partner with brands that are 110% serious about their work and the effectiveness of their products. It also doesn't hurt if they like to have some fun along the way and enjoy life’s journey. Indulge me as I...

Skin Care Is Not a Trend; It’s a Timeless Classic

Trends. Whether we like it or not, trends do impact just about every aspect of our lives — and the lifecycle of a trend (Introduction, Increase, Peak, Decline, and Obsolescence) shortened in duration as we all settled into a digital world. The good news is that as we age,...

Stay Salty Over the Holidays

As the King of Late Night TV, Johnny Carson was known for giving us a lot of laughs over 30 years. “Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way...

The Sleep Struggle Is Real

Have you ever struggled to sleep? I mean, really struggled — where you lie in your bed in a totally dark, quiet room set with an optimal temperature for sleep (between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit) and been wide awake for hours? Maybe you even add in some white noise, a...

The Goldilocks Effect: Finding the Hair Care Products That Are “Just Right” For You

When we think of hair, all sorts of images and words immediately come to mind, varying based on where we are in our own unique hair journey. First, we think of our own hair, the hair of those we are closest to, and those with what I like to...

The (Un)Selfishness of Self-Care

The (un)selfishness of self-care. Self-care is the of-the-moment buzzword. Some of us feel guilty for taking some time for ourselves, some of us feel it is a necessity, and others struggle to make the time for it. No matter where you fit within these interwoven beliefs, there are important...