

Melinda Blau, 81: Positivity, People, & Persistence

“You can’t be in a relationship—with a city or a person—if you always have one foot out the door,” says Melinda Blau. This level of commitment, of giving it her all, is a characteristic that defines her approach to life. For some, maintaining this level of rapport with all the people, places, and things they’re confronted with would lead to burnout. But, for Melinda, the opportunity to explore and embrace it all ignites in...

Ron Speaker, 60: The Multifaceted Money Mentor

What’s the most valuable thing in your life? Is it money? Is it time? Perhaps your health, your family? For Ron Speaker, he sees the value in it all. While money is life-changing, the lessons learned through mentorship are...

Heather Hurlock, 49: Staying True

We know we're living longer, but how can we live longer well? As the founding editor of Super Age’s new flagship newsletter, The Mindset, Heather Hurlock is excited by this question and the opportunity it presents to shift the...

Mary Ann Naples, 58: Embracing a New World

Do you ever wonder if the industry you love, the world that you have worked in your entire life, may be fading away? Mary Ann was the vice president and publisher at Hachette Books, vice president and publisher at...

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Yamuna Zake, 69: Tapping into Bodily Wisdom

Our bodies are complicated—beyond what even the best minds in medicine and science fully understand about the many-faceted causes and effects of the billions...