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No Lululemon Required

The “no frills” science-backed solution to weight training that can fit into any schedule — no special workout attire needed.

When trying to describe Vivo and how it works, I admit that I struggle. And as a writer that really bothers me. Succinctly explaining the effectiveness and efficiency of these online, live, instructor-led classes should not be so hard. Is there really a time when words (and images) do not do justice to an experience? Why I Vivo:

To build and retain muscle mass

These classes provide a challenge no matter your age or fitness level. According to studies from The Harvard Medical School, age-related muscle loss (Sarcopenia) begins as early as 35. This decrease in muscle mass has a trickle down effect — loss in strength and mobility puts you on a path towards decreased balance and hinders your ability to bounce back from injury or illness.

Knowing that weight training can help slow and even restore muscle function, I added strength training to my routine in my late 40s. Yay for me, right? Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit and I got off track; way off track. Collectively, our routines changed overnight. I was able to maintain my aerobic activity, but struggled to keep up the weight-bearing workouts. That has changed with Vivo. I start with the Level 4 Track in most classes and occasionally have to adjust toward the end and move to Level 3. My heart rate is up, I am glistening (ok, sweating), and I am getting in a GREAT workout!

I need accountability to do that. I have never been a huge fan of gyms, but often joined for the group classes and community. Driving to the gym is a hurdle for me and I have a tendency to procrastinate with pre-recorded workouts. Vivo solved all my excuses.

No frills; just come as you are

While the gym is not the red carpet, I do still feel a need to “get ready” and look the part. (Don’t get me wrong — I LOVE me some Lulu leggings and On Cloud shoes.) With Vivo classes, instructors, and classmates, there is no judgment. I could literally roll out of bed or wrap up a Zoom meeting and be ready to workout in minutes. 

The classes are not the only “no-frills” feature. Their website has a “medical feel” to it — and there is a reason for that. Everything about Vivo is rooted in medicine, research, and science. While visiting the website, you will learn a lot — you will not feel like you walked into a traditional gym or yoga studio. But don’t be fooled — “no-frills” does not mean no results.

In the words of Steve Jobs: “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” 

Getting started with Vivo. This is how it works.

Easily fits into an hour time block

With no need to travel or don my carefully curated “workout” attire, Vivo classes can easily be worked into any schedule — from the most demanding to the most flexible. 

You can speak with a Vivo support team member to find class times that work for you, or they offer an online booking tool as well. Again — function and solutions to meet a variety of needs.

My fellow Vivo members.

There are still SO MANY MORE reasons why I Vivo. The Dual Tasking, the community, the educational materials, the safety measures, and the highly trained instructors simply add to the experience and the results. What I have determined is that Vivo training is something that you really need to experience to fully understand. Good news is that you can schedule a free session and the AGEIST community can get half off for a 2-month trial

See medical disclaimer below. ↓


    • Thank you Denise! It is a great option for those who either prefer not to go to a gym or are time crunched to get there. With – an added bonus of a personal trainer!


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The ideas expressed here are solely the opinions of the author and are not researched or verified by AGEIST LLC, or anyone associated with AGEIST LLC. This material should not be construed as medical advice or recommendation, it is for informational use only. We encourage all readers to discuss with your qualified practitioners the relevance of the application of any of these ideas to your life. The recommendations contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult your physician or other qualified health provider before starting any new treatment or stopping any treatment that has been prescribed for you by your physician or other qualified health provider. Please call your doctor or 911 immediately if you think you may have a medical or psychiatric emergency.

Ashley Feltner
Ashley is a writer, an artist, and an ideator who has placed storytelling into her process for bringing sales and marketing ideas to life for over 20 years. Her background includes recruiting, training, content development, and ERG leadership within highly matrixed organizations that provide her a unique perspective and an ability to authentically connect with individuals from all walks of life. With the desire to place a little humanity into the digital experience, Ashley believes that words do matter, a little empathy goes a long way, and having a purpose in life is imperative. She and her husband Gabe live in Nashville, TN with two very active teenage daughters and two very lazy field spaniels.

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