

The (Un)Selfishness of Self-Care

The (un)selfishness of self-care. Self-care is the of-the-moment buzzword. Some of us feel guilty for taking some time for ourselves, some of us feel...

The Science Behind Supplementing Our Joint Health

Walking and weight-bearing exercises are two key pillars in an actively aging lifestyle. While the amount of steps we should take each day or...

The Scientific Root of Healthy, Happy Hair

Pro-aging tips continue to multiply as our social interactions grow increasingly more digital and our search for solutions often involves a quick google query....

Eataly Cooking Classes: Are They Worth It?

Let’s talk cooking. Whether you’re a pro in the kitchen or you have trouble boiling water, taking a cooking class can be a fun...

Healthy Mitochondria, Better Aging

As we age, our cells also age. This can contribute to a number of not-so-good outcomes including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis,...

Why a Concierge Doctor Was a Good Choice for Me

Earlier this year, I decided to work with Dr. Mark Chavez, MD as my concierge physician. Concierge medicine is a healthcare delivery model in...

Are Sugary Sports Drinks Hydrating?

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. That is a stunning number considering there is a low-effort, zero-cost way of improving this stat. Electrolyte supplements...

Optimism + Volunteerism = A Winning Formula for Aging Well

In late August of 1989, I opened my tiny mailbox at the University of Tennessee Knoxville and found a Newsweek magazine (remember those?) I...

Crispy Chickpeas: Plant-Based Protein Snack

As we age, our protein intake requirements increase. Studies have found that protein is “a key nutrient for muscle health” in adults. According to...

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