
David Stewart

David is the founder and face of AGEIST. He is an expert on, and a passionate champion of the emerging global over-50 lifestyle. A dynamic speaker, he is available for panels, keynotes and informational talks at david@agei.st.

Andrew Perry, 52: Re-Inventing Education for the Modern World

Sometimes we need to seek out our purpose and mission; other times it comes to us as an obvious problem in need of a solution. But what if the problem turns out to be a huge paradigm shift in something fundamental to western society? Some people could turn away...

Patrice Tanaka, 67: Live Your Purpose

This week, being the end of summer as we are beset with what feels like a tsunami of uncertainty, we revisit the magical Patrice Tanaka. Anxiety levels are at an all-time high; loneliness, fear and a loss of meaning are tormenting so many of us. This seems like a...

Susan Purvis, 58: Ready For Action

The decorated backcountry rescuer's life was turned upside down by a sudden divorce.  She recovered, righted the ship, and is back at the top of her game, playing with the big boys out in the wild places. She plays smart, she knows and speaks her truth, takes care of...

How I Reduced My LDL Cholesterol 14.5 % in 4 Months Using the InsideTracker Platform.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, killing over 650,000 people a year. LDL is what is thought of as bad cholesterol, the type of cholesterol that is correlated with heart attacks and strokes.  Unfortunately, the most common response from your general practitioner doctor to increasing LDL...

Grant Barth, 55: Pioneering a New Way of Living

One of the many consequences of the pandemic has been that with its enforced pause, many of us have had a moment to evaluate if what we are doing, how we are doing it, and where we do it, is really what is best for us. For some, it...

New Eargo 5 Review: The Joy of Hearing Crystal Clear

Hearing is essential; not only does it bring joy and delight to our lives, it is critical to longevity. One of the main predictors of healthspan and lifespan is the presence of community in a person’s life. If there is a commonality to the Blue Zones, it is that...

Cathy Chon, 56: Kindness, Community, and a Global View

Cathy Chon is a mentor to the mentors. She is one of the smartest, quickest and most deeply empathetic people I have ever met. Small in stature, but mighty in spirit, her mission is to inspire those around her. In my ears echos her refrain "you must ideate more...

Michelle Ford, 59: The Athlete’s Life After the Gold

Life is filled with transitions. So often our happiness depends on our ability to navigate the unknown waters we may have found ourselves plunged into. To be an Olympian, a Gold Medal winner, means to be the very best in the world at your sport. It means to be...

Jack Lowe, 79: Fit for Life

For Jack Lowe, fitness and health had been a huge part of his life. Then one day in 2013, without any warning, he collapsed in pain, completely immobilized. His mind raced — was this to be the end? Would he ever walk again? Insistent investigation on his part yielded...

James Golding, 57: Music and Supernatural Glam

Who at the age of 57 releases an awesome new pop record? Is this not the realm of hormone-saturated youth? If one's intention is bringing more love and beauty to the world, less around the need of the younger person to make their mark in the world, and this...