
David Stewart

David is the founder and face of AGEIST. He is an expert on, and a passionate champion of the emerging global over-50 lifestyle. A dynamic speaker, he is available for panels, keynotes and informational talks at david@agei.st.

What Is Ageism and What Do We Do About It? 10 Face to Face Suggestions

Ageism is lamentably, perhaps the last socially acceptable taboo. It is still fine to belittle people for their age in a way some have around race, gender, or sexual orientation, causing them to be socially shunned? Why is this? Ageism is complex. Age is progressively changeable. I will never...

Nishriin Parikh, 54: Karate, Discipline and Joy

Nishriin Parikh has been pushing against societal expectations her entire life. When she was growing up in conservative India, studying martial arts was not exactly on the menu of expected interests for a young girl. She was fortunate to have a supportive family and excelled in what would become...

Gary Schare, 57: Teaching Self-Defense From Disinformation

Many of us are highly skilled, have a lifetime of experience, but are lacking a purpose and a means to put them to use. To truly SuperAge, one has to have a why, a what, and a how. The intersection of the answers to those questions can power one...

Wealth Span: A Balance During Good and Bad Times

In 2020, AGEIST continued its research into the attitudes of our age cohort and learned more about how the effects of our life span and health span will move us forward in this enriching part of our life journey. But, what about our wealth span? In this article, we’ll...

Measurable Physical and Emotional Benefits From Music: Barry Goldstein

How can we use music to change our physical and mental states? Is there measured evidence to show that music can heal and transform our lives? What music should we listen to before bed to promote a more consistent circadian rhythm? What is the formula behind music...

Alfreda Lanoix, 65

One of the clearest connections we see between the movement of people today desiring to be accepted for their age, whatever age that is, and for those same individuals to hold their age with dignity and pride, is the gay rights movement of the 80s, especially during the time...

You Need to Hear Better Now, for All the Sounds In Your Life. This Is How Easily You Can Do It.

Suppose you are mountain climbing, and you need to communicate with your climbing partner who is out of sight. How do you do it? You use your voice to communicate, which he receives through his hearing. There is no visual communication. How many other less dramatic examples can you...

Cary Brokaw, 69: Filmmaker, Surfer, and Style Inspiration

Cary and I met at a dinner a few weeks ago as strangers. There was no real introduction and I had little idea what he did, nor did that matter. We chatted about the ocean, about living a life of daily involvement with the water. My impression was of...

How Making One Small Decision Will Lead to Claiming Your Future: David Richman, 57

How do we pull ourselves out of a dark place and into a healthier, happier life? Why do we feel guilty when we take care of ourselves? How can we break the habit of comparing ourselves to others? What is the best way to cope with emotional...

Sandy Linter, 73: Makeup Superstar

Sandy, who some may know from her wonderful beauty-based Instagram feed, is an iconic original. Born in Brooklyn, raised in Staten Island, an intrepid young Sandy moved to Manhattan early in her career, had the good fortune to have been spotted early on as a shimmering talent, and has...