David Stewart

David is the founder and face of AGEIST. He is an expert on, and a passionate champion of the emerging global over-50 lifestyle. A dynamic speaker, he is available for panels, keynotes and informational talks at david@agei.st.

12/03/2024 AGEIST Holiday Gift Guide

Ahh, the holiday season. The snow has arrived here in the mountains and, for those not inclined to winter sporting activities, fireplacing and all the cozy hygge winter vibes that come with the season will do just fine. There are those of you out there who are super-star gift givers, who have been thinking...

11/27/2024 AGEIST Magazine 419

As we anticipate meeting with friends and family this holiday season, we may feel joy and/or anxiety. For those more on the anxious side, I have a couple of suggestions. First of all, how about we assume positive intent and positive outcome? Let’s not judge people by their worst...

Yamuna Zake, 69: Tapping into Bodily Wisdom

Our bodies are complicated—beyond what even the best minds in medicine and science fully understand about the many-faceted causes and effects of the billions of interactions within us that we experience every minute of every day. Oftentimes, the best we can do is to say, "X worked well for...

11/21/2024 AGEIST Magazine 418

Let’s be clear: Anti-aging is insulting BS. Let’s try “Super Aging” (feels better doesn’t it?). By Super Aging, we mean living longer, healthier and happier than we may believe possible. To be alive is to age, and that happens at all ages: 5 years old or 95 years old....

James Cogan, 67: Renaissance Man

Every day is a new opportunity to be the person you were born to be. Should we want to, at any moment, we can learn, and we can improve. Once in a while, a door opens, and when we walk through it, our entire outlook and lived direction can...

11/14/2024 AGEIST Magazine 417

Why is so much of health and wellness thought of in negative terms, as some sort of self-flagellation leading to possible redemption, whatever that could be? It strikes me as a bit crazy that if you want to attract more people to the idea of living healthily, your base...

Denise Pines, 59: An Exuberant One

See a problem, make a solution. This is how Denise gets it done, most recently collaborating with Tamsen Fadal on the record-smashing documentary The M Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause. She has founded WisePause Lifestyle Summit and FemAging, and, through pitch competitions, the FemAging Project has given away...

Douglas Katz, 54: Cutting a New Path

Douglas Katz’ story is that of a veteran who, from his service, has disabilities, saw a problem, and created a solution—not just for himself but for others who may also have the same issues. The issue was he wanted to be able to keep cooking for himself, and, to...

11/6/2024 AGEIST Magazine 416

Mindset is what powers our decisions, more so than information. This is something we at AGEIST have learned from a decade of interviews and from our most recent large-scale research survey. Our base levels of pessimism or optimism are probably the single most important element affecting our future health...

Protein, Age, and Longevity: New Insights Challenging the Status Quo

As we age, the role of protein in our diet becomes increasingly crucial. Recent research has shed new light on the relationship between protein intake, aging, and longevity, challenging long-held beliefs and emphasizing the need for adequate, high-quality protein sources in our diets. One company at the forefront of...