C15:0 (pentadecanoic acid), the first fatty acid to be discovered in over 90 years, has numerous benefits to support metabolic health, making it a key longevity nutrient. Have you heard of it? If not, it makes sense. Fats sometimes still get a bad rap. First they were all foes. Now, some of them are our friends—and we play favorites.
While unsaturated fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) are seen as favorable because of their heart-healthy benefits, saturated fats and trans fats are frowned upon since they’re commonly associated with an increase in coronary heart disease (White, 2009). In the family of unsaturated essential fatty acids, omega-3s are definitely the golden children. The health benefits of omega-3s (which are commonly found in fish oils) have been widely studied and shown to support heart health, reduce inflammation, and improve mood, among other benefits. Omega-6s, such as linoleic acid (think: safflower oil) are also beloved as essential nutrients; oleic acid (think: olive oil) is smiled upon. And then there’s C15:0: the newest odd-chain saturated fatty acid giving saturated fats a good name.
Meet C15:0: The Newest Essential Fatty Acid
Pentadecanoic acid, also known as pentadecylic acid and commonly referred to as C15:0, is an odd-chain saturated fatty acid that’s proving to be essential for our health. It’s the first essential fatty acid to be discovered in over 90 years, and studies have shown this fatty acid is a multi-metabolic helper. More specifically, “C15:0 is a pleiotropic nutrient, which means that it acts in multiple ways to provide broad physical and mental health benefits.…[and] works by naturally targeting key receptors, reversing hallmarks of aging, lowering drivers of chronic disease, and making a beneficial metabolite” (Seraphina Therapeutics, 2024).
In trace amounts, C15:0 is found in dairy products, specifically full-fat dairy products. It is also seen in meat, namely fatty cuts of beef and lamb; some types of fish, such as pink salmon; and some plants. If you are lactose intolerant or choose to not eat meat, your levels will likely be lower. As we age, our levels also naturally dwindle. An easy way to make sure you’re getting this essential nutrient to capitalize on all its health benefits is to supplement with fatty15: a science-back, award-winning, and pure C15:0 supplement.
Fatty15 vs. Omega-3s
Will embracing butter and/or supplementing with a C15:0 supplement like fatty15 really do more for your health than sticking with your daily fish oil routine? Yes and no. It’s all about balance; we need the right levels of all nutrients so our body can run like a well oiled machine. While both fatty acids are necessary to maintain our overall physical and mental health, C15:0 is stronger structurally and seems to be a multi-metabolic magician compared to omega-3s.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, like omega-3s and omega-6s, contain multiple double bounds, which make them more susceptible to oxidation. Since C15:0 is an odd-chain fatty acid, it has no double bonds, making it more resilient and resistant to oxidative stress (Seraphina Therapeutics, 2022. Studies also find that: “…C15:0 had dose-dependent and clinically relevant activities across numerous human cell-based systems that were broader and safer than EPA [an omega-3 fatty acid]…” (Venn-Watson & Butterworth 2022).
It also doesn’t have a fishy taste or smell, is vegan-friendly, highly bioavailable, and patented using over 99% pure C15:0 powder. Oh—and compared to omega-3s, it has over 36 cellular benefits (Essential Fatty Acid Supplement). That’s three times more cellular benefits than omega-3s.
An Essential Nutrient to Support Metabolic Health
Maintaining adequate levels of C15:0 in your body through diet and supplementation is a natural way to support your metabolic health and invest in your health span and lifespan. In fact, “Large, prospective human cohort studies have shown that higher C15:0 blood concentrations are associated with lower risks of developing chronic conditions over time, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and heart failure” (Venn-Watson & Schork, 2023).
When put up against omega-3s, C15:0 shows itself to be a more complete compound—one nutrient that can create a positive chain reaction of metabolic health and foster longevity-enhancing effects. This fatty acid positively impacts heart health and function, supports immune and liver health, has anti-cancer and antimicrobial qualities, and can help manage depression and autoimmune diseases, and more (Venn-Watson & Butterworth, 2022). Furthermore, it’s also an essential catalyst to promote metabolic health and therefore health span and lifespan: “C15:0 activates AMPK and inhibits mTOR, both of which are core components of the human longevity pathway” (Venn-Watson & Schork, 2023). From supporting a healthy liver function to cholesterol levels to glucose levels and blood cells, adequate levels of pentadecanoic acid in your body can help you live healthier and longer.
Fatty15: A New Longevity Supplement
With so much promise and praise, it’s no surprise that this new nutrient has earned the essential nutrient seal of approval. Capable of repairing and restoring your health on a cellular level, one or two capsules of fatty15 a day with food is a surefire way to support your longevity. In fact, when compared to other longevity-enhancing supplements and therapeutics, such as acarbose, metformin, and rapamycin, C15:0’s effects were equal to and even surpassing these prescription therapeutics. It was often on par with common therapeutics aimed at improving the outcomes of mood disorders, microbial infections, and cancer (Venn-Watson & Schork, 2023).
So move over omega-3s; there’s a new fatty acid in town. Thanks to fatty15, you can get your hands on the best C15:0 on the market. Just use code “AGEIST” at checkout.
Read more of the science here.
Essential Fatty Acid Supplement: C15:0. fatty15. (n.d.). https://fatty15.com/
Seraphina Therapeutics. (2024, November 8). Mechanism. Discoverc15. https://www.discoverc15.com/mechanism/.
Seraphina Therapeutics. (2022, October 29). Molecule. Discoverc15. https://www.discoverc15.com/molecule/.
Venn-Watson, S. K., & Butterworth, C. N. (2022). Broader and safer clinically-relevant activities of pentadecanoic acid compared to omega-3: Evaluation of an emerging essential fatty acid across twelve primary human cell-based disease systems. PloS one, 17(5), e0268778. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0268778.
Venn-Watson, S., & Schork, N. J. (2023). Pentadecanoic Acid (C15:0), an Essential Fatty Acid, Shares Clinically Relevant Cell-Based Activities with Leading Longevity-Enhancing Compounds. Nutrients, 15(21), 4607. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15214607.
White, B. (2009, August 15). Dietary Fatty Acids. American Family Physician. https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2009/0815/p345.html.