The breath is a vital link to our existence, playing an important role in linking the body, mind, and spirit. We can live without food and water for days, but death would occur in four minutes if one stopped breathing. Yet most people only half breathe or aren’t even aware of how they do it, which equates to people only half living. They are half living as erratic breath creates feelings of stress and unease.
Most of our stress-related health conditions, including high blood pressure, anxiety, and heart attacks are exasperated. Even back pain can occur due to incorrect breathing creating underdeveloped, and underutilized back muscles, if the breath cycle is changed, an individual’s energies and stress levels can dramatically change to a more vital positive state. The positive breath activates the parasympathetic nervous system bringing us into a relaxed state and endorphins are released. This is the opposite of the sympathetic nervous system that stimulates activities associated with the fight and flight mode and adrenaline and cortisol when people are stressed.
Oxygen distributed is an essential natural resource required by the cells. It feeds the vital organs, which is essential for greater energy, physical, mental, clarity of thought, and focus. Positive breath is the key to improved health, vitality and retarding the aging process, as the body’s natural pro-aging hormones that stimulate the skin’s metabolism called Adenosine Triphosphate are activated. Through exhalation, as researched by Dr. Ruben Meerman” the body also expels toxins and releases fat assisting in weight loss. It also creates a concrete physical anchor, directing one’s attention to link the body, mind, and soul. This state makes it easier to recognize negative thinking patterns and stay in the present moment.
Having asked thousands of people do you notice how you breathe, and the answer is generally shallow and most don’t notice exactly how they do it. Probably the most common question people ask me is “how should I breathe? I suggest in simple moments breathing slowly in through the nose ( and slowly out through the nose or mouth) is ideal – it is not only warming and moisturizing the air, which comes into the lungs, but it also directs and pulls much more oxygen to the second, lower part of the lungs. Breathing through the nose also filters the bacteria before it gets to the lungs and can prevent infections and colds because of the mucous membranes in the nose that are filtering out impurities and regulate temperature and humidity.
Through experience and research over 18 years ago and beyond , I’ve developed a program called Transformational Breathing to assist individuals to benefit from the breath.
The Transformational Breathing Program isn’t just an exercise routine it’s a system with 3 levels of transition, incorporating a journey and immersion retreat facilitated over 10 x consecutive sessions generally Mon- Friday 6.30-7.30am and for the best benefits to be gained the programs are scheduled first thing in the morning , outdoors on an empty stomach. This promotes the efficient functioning of the digestive system and fresh air.
The program is progressive, the first morning can be foreign for many as they often bring their concerns and fears with them. We start at the beginning point where individuals are introduced to the program philosophy, Ancient powerful deep diaphragmatic breathing system, subtle energies, and varied isometric toning movements taught in a standing position suiting most people cultivating a calm yet highly energized state. With this specialized breathing technique, it may come naturally to some for others longer to connect with. Combining the breath and certain isometric exercises, individuals can incorporate the smallest and the deepest muscles of the torso, which in most cases remain not strong and which also are responsible for building “inner” strength and developing toned abdominals and core strength. The focused breathing system consciously charges the body with large amounts of oxygen that quickly increases energy levels and speeds up the metabolism to a high rate to help burn excess fat, improve lung capacity, posture, skin rejuvenation, and tone, hair quality, digestion, lymph system, sleep. It also revitalizes the body and mind, generating transformation on many levels.
Here are a couple of scientific quotes relating to breath discoveries.
“Deep breathing techniques which increase oxygen to the cell are the most important factors in living a disease-free and energetic life. . . . Remember. Where cells get enough oxygen, cancer will not, cannot occur.” Dr. Otto Warburg, President, Institute of Cell Physiology, Nobel Prize Winner (Dr. Warburg is the only person to ever win the Nobel Prize twice in medicine and he was nominated for a third.)
“Deep diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the cleansing of the lymph system by creating a vacuum effect which pulls the lymph through the bloodstream. This increases the rate of toxic elimination by as much as 15 times the normal rate.”Dr. J.W. Shields, MD, Lymph, lymph glands, and homeostasis. Lymphology, v25, n4, Dec. 1992, p.147
Positive and deep breathing incorporated with positive mind awareness is POWERFUL and activates and rejuvenates us. It is important to harness the breath, heart connection, intuition, mind and to listen to our “Feelings” and “bodies “as the body talks through the health conditions that surface and understanding that language is key to living a healthy happy full filled inspired life. I hope this article inspires you to either start to take steps to improve your health, pick up on your past self-inquiry and health pathway, or to continue on your positive life-growing journey. I’m grateful every day to continue my grow and work with my clients as I do. All of us collectively improving our body, mind and soul connection adds to an improved planet and humanity.
The Transformational Breathing Program breathing system is best taught within the structure of the program for full benefits. Please find another simple powerful technique to implement in simple moments as follows:
Tip 1 Breathe Positively often, anytime, walking, driving, listening with others so you listen more deeply or at your computer. And especially when you are challenged, focus on your positive breath to calm the parasympathetic nervous system and active your endorphins, oxytocin, and serotonin. Here is a specific Breathing technique:
The breath is a slow steady breath in and out of the nose during regular moments.
- Sit up straight in a chair, feet hips-width apart(no crossed legs) relax your shoulders, your eyes can be open or closed and your hands can be cupped in your lap.
- Next, fully exhale slowly through your nose, feel your ribcage draw in as well as drawing your navel to your spine, whilst further engaging your pelvic floor.(you are setting up your diaphragm for the inhalation)
- Next let your breath slowly filter in through the nostrils as you feel your ribcage expand, whilst gently lifting up through your heart and relax and hold shoulders in a gentle steady position, draw the elbows to the earth (so they don’t lift)
- You’ll keep the breath flowing up to the brain, hold for the count of two, then fully and slowly exhale
You could do this for one to two minutes at home or in a park or at your desk to reenergize, or you could continue for 5-10 minutes to enhance the experience.
This technique assists you to become aware, it offers a pause, you connect your body, mind, and creative self. Because you are working out your torso and core muscles it helps posture and physical ailments You become calm focused, energized, and in that awareness space able to shift to a positive coherent mind state
Please note: If due to health conditions you can’t breathe in through the nose it is highly beneficial to still slow down mouth breathing to experience a full calm breath.
Januta Ribinskas EQ Coach and Age Positive Activist
photo credits: Pen Hill Photography
Januta is a thought leader, Corporate Performance Coach with over 30 years’ experience in the health and wellbeing industry and as a senior human resource professional. She is the founder of Executive Wellbeing Pty Ltd “Her extensive eastern and western science-based training, as well as her senior-level human resources consulting experience, forms the foundation of the Master Class Series – a series of personal development workshops and international retreats. She is also a yoga teacher and the creator of ”The Knowing Flow”, Vinyasa Yoga series and the renowned Transformational Breathing activation program. She features regularly in the media and as a keynote speaker for events and writer for health and lifestyle publications.