Dear Susan,
What about water? We hear often that we should drink up to 2 liters of water per day. I drink a lot of white tea and the occasional coffee. Can they count towards my water intake?
Not Thirsty
Dear Not Thirsty,
Let’s dive into this “8 glasses of water a day” rule that’s been circling the globe like a well-traveled urban legend. I mean, if I had a dollar for every time someone mentioned it, I’d be hosting a water-themed giveaway for this advice column! This recommendation has been around since 1945, thanks to the National Research Council which, bless their hearts, forgot to mention one crucial thing: a lot of your water intake can come from food and other drinks. That’s right! It’s like discovering that those tiny pockets on your jeans are actually useful — surprise hydration everywhere!
Now, water is the superstar of your body’s lineup, essential for every cell, every process, and every dramatic hair flip. But the idea that you need to guzzle plain, boring water all day long like it’s going out of style? Not necessary! There’s a whole buffet of hydration options out there, and you can sample them all. Take your morning cup of white tea, for example — it’s basically water dressed up in antioxidants. Even that cup of coffee, the one you cling to like a lifeline in the morning? It’s pulling double duty, keeping you awake and hydrated, despite its slightly bad-boy diuretic reputation. It’s like the friend who’s a little late to the party but shows up with the best snacks — unconventional, but appreciated!
Here’s the real secret: listen to your body. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to hydration. Some days you’ll need more, some days less. It depends on how much you’re moving, how hot it is, and what’s going on with your health. Hydration is more of a personal journey than a rigid rule. So, don’t stress about hitting a specific number as if you’re trying to crack some hydration code. If you’re thirsty, drink. If you’re not, you’re probably already doing fine.
But here’s a caveat: alcohol doesn’t count. I know, I know, it’s a liquid and it’s in a glass, but alcohol actually has the opposite effect — it’s a dehydrator in disguise! So while that cocktail might be great for happy hour, it’s not your hydration hero. Stick to the coffee, tea, and good ol’ water to keep your body happy.
Now, let’s talk about electrolytes. You’ve seen the ads: sports drinks, powders, promising to take your hydration to the next level. And there’s truth to that! Electrolytes, like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, help regulate fluid balance in your body, which is especially important if you’re sweating buckets during a workout or living it up in the summer heat. They essentially act as hydration boosters, making sure the water you drink actually gets where it’s needed. It’s like giving your hydration efforts a little extra oomph, a backstage pass to optimal cell performance. Our personal favorite electrolytes are LMNT.
So, if you’re really active or spending a lot of time in the sun, adding a dash of electrolyte magic might just up the ante. But for your average day-to-day hydration, good old water (or your favorite tea or coffee) will do the trick just fine.
Remember, water intake isn’t about meeting a quota. It’s about finding what works for you and having a little fun with it. Enjoy your tea, savor your soup, and feel free to sip that water with a slice of lemon, like you’re at a fancy spa. You’re taking care of yourself beautifully, one delicious sip at a time. Cheers to that!