The First AGEIST Meetup Event
We listened to you. We are making events where community members and friends can get together. In the survey we just did, 89% of you wanted to have an event where you could meet other AGEIST members. Last week was our first test of what will be regular group meetups wherever we go.
This first event, at our favorite local spot Manuela, was for the LA people we had profiled, and about 30 showed up. Interestingly, because they all are regular readers, they all felt they knew each other. Nothing like a profile and portrait to create an ice breaker.
We had this whole wide spectrum from corporate business people to musicians, artists and entrepreneurs. The interesting thing that I kept hearing was that they never would have met people so far outside of their normal day-to-day lives, yet at the same time, they were all so similar. We share a commonality of vision for what it means to be this age today.
It was a validation of all we have done here in the last 3+ years of publishing AGEIST. When groups of strangers come together and discuss how similar everyone is, despite not looking as though they are from anyplace at all similar…well, this was a wonderful moment for us.
We have always believed that connecting the people within our community was what we ultimately were aiming to do, and this was another very exciting step for us. The most interesting discovery of the evening was that people would identify themselves by their name and the number of the newsletter they were in. Talk about a proud papa moment; I was floored.
The next events will be soon and we hope all of you who wish to, will come. We already have plans for some pretty great places and experiences for you. AGEIST is thrilled to be able to not only show a vision for how people like us are living today, but to provide places and times for all of you to see for yourselves: We are not alone; there are millions of people living just like us all around us.
My husband and I live in the Palm Springs area and would love to have a meetup here. Let me know if you plan something. ~Kathy
Hi Kathy,
Lets do it! Would you think during the week or on the weekend would be best?