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Aging Well in Your 50s, and Beyond

Three 50 plus aging tips to help you live your best life at 50 and beyond.

At AGEIST, we’re firm believers that a great life can begin after 50. It’s a time of
life to celebrate and explore, come into your own, and truly make the most of
life. We’ve accumulated a few strategies to help you do just that — so you can
step up your game to put your days and years to work for you, whether you’re
approaching 50, or passed it long ago.

Things to Do in Your 50s

Own Your Age

Age is a fact, like height, and owning it is tremendously empowering, though often easier said than done. However, the more you can practice being comfortable with your story, and comfortable with how fluid it can be, the easier it will be at any age. This involves the stories we tell ourselves as well as the ones we believe about ourselves. 

So how do we get to the heart of owning our age? 

Put down the constant comparisons – it can be so easy when we have almost limitless access to what other people are doing and experiencing — it becomes second nature to lean into jealousy or feelings of inadequacy. But that way lies ruin, and chances are, your instincts have been telling you this for a long time. 

One of the great benefits of aging can be that we have the freedom of experience to really and truly let go of these comparisons. We can, and should, be more selective about the social media we participate in, and in the same fashion, we can select our real-world friendships more mindfully as well. It’s a no excuses, no regrets call to put your energy where it feels best in order to prioritize your well being in all kinds of relationships, situations, and platforms. 

Find, or Build, Your Community

Study after study has shown that people with active participation in their communities are happier and more vibrant, especially as they age. It can seem like using technology to build up a community is a good idea, and in many ways, it can be. But don’t get stuck buying into the idea that it’s the be-all solution to a thriving community. While there are many advantages to leveraging technology for community building, there will never, ever, be a substitute for real, person-to-person interaction. 

This is also easier said than done, we know. But as we look for beneficial things to do in our 50s, it’s more important than ever to make the effort to engage in real-world communities that are important to us. Get in the habit of saying yes to invitations, shows, concerts and dinners. Good things happen when we leave the house. Become the one who is doing the inviting by reaching out to friends. 

Set Goals

What have you always wanted to do? It’s time to get it done, and one of the most effective ways forward is to break a big goal or idea out into small, quick wins. Goals become more accessible when we can build those incremental steps into our daily routine. As the saying goes by author Annie Dillard: how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. 

Say, for example, you want to take up yoga, but you just aren’t very flexible. Part of your new daily goal might be five minutes of stretching while you wait for the morning coffee to brew. 

Think you don’t have any goals? Maybe you’re struggling to come up with one? We are all filled with aspirations, and it is only our fears that prevent us from imagining doing them. By taking small actions, racking up small wins, you are proving to your fear that it is false, and new goals will appear that you will be able to tackle. Start now, go into action — success brings on the confidence and desire for more success. 

The simple fact is — you’ll never be in a better position to craft your best life than you are right now. 

It’s time to reject any lingering myths about aging- like those that say it has to slow you down or make you ultra-cautious. You’ve got a valuable lifetime of incomparable experience and a whole lot of potential to be put to work in a way that feels most meaningful to you. All you have to do is go out and do it.  

Age is a fact, like height, and owning it is tremendously empowering, though often easier said than done. However, the more you can practice being comfortable with your story, and comfortable with how fluid it can be, the easier it will be at any age. This involves the stories we tell ourselves as well as the ones we believe about ourselves.

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The ideas expressed here are solely the opinions of the author and are not researched or verified by AGEIST LLC, or anyone associated with AGEIST LLC. This material should not be construed as medical advice or recommendation, it is for informational use only. We encourage all readers to discuss with your qualified practitioners the relevance of the application of any of these ideas to your life. The recommendations contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You should always consult your physician or other qualified health provider before starting any new treatment or stopping any treatment that has been prescribed for you by your physician or other qualified health provider. Please call your doctor or 911 immediately if you think you may have a medical or psychiatric emergency.


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