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The Happy Hour Show: Episode 9 | Dr. BJ Fogg

Joining us for episode #9 of the Happy Hour Show is Dr. BJ Fogg, a behavioral scientist at Stanford, where he directs research and innovation at the Behavior Design Lab and teaches his models and methods in graduate seminars. He is also the author of “Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything”. Discover why Fortune Magazine named BJ a “New Guru You Should Know” for his insights about mobile and social networks. If you’re ready to shift behavior or two and redesign your internal lab, this is an hour to guide you closer to that goal.

Here’s what to expect:

• The inspiration behind BJ’s creation of Stanford’s Design Lab.

• His top 3 Tiny Habits to ensure transformation, no matter how young or old.

• A close-up perspective on the design of Instagram – which one of his students co-founded – and the keys to Persuasive Technology.

• What is the future look on the Behavior Design Lab?

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