If we want to experience the joy of moving our bodies through space, of playing with others, of creating something new, then perhaps we can spend more time consciously moving our bodies. Movement is life, everything that lives moves, and even plants have internal movement. This does not have to be some glum task that we feel internally scolded in order to undertake. It is what we make it and, being cogent beings, we can apply our magnificent brains to create delightful experiences moving our bodies.
Thankfully, life is about more than ceaselessly planning our future wellness. We know people like that and, frankly, how boring. Let’s engage with the full buffet of life, of which weekend loafing is an excellent amuse-bouche. Yes, just laying about, napping, totally disengaged from any even remotely productive activity is something to savor. If there is one thing I have learned in these past 7 years of AGEIST, it is the value of downtime. Not to the exclusion of fully engaging in life, oh no, but as a way to more fully engage. The greater the upstate the greater the need for the downstate. More resting leads to more dancing.
Most any biological function we can think of is about in and out, upstate and downstate. We are often driven to achieve, and this is a wonderful trait not to be diminished. The drive to do better, to help others, to create is to be encouraged. We also need the converse, which includes vacations — not just a weekend, but real vacations. And of course afternoon naps, long, slow walks and maybe fishing, if that is your jam.
These are the dog days of summer. Go for it.
Onward and upward,