

Sages & Scientists: A Symposium of Exploration

When I got the invitation to The Chopra Foundation’s Sages & Scientists Conscious Collaboration for Global Transformation at Harvard in mid-September, suffice it to...

Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Go on a Retreat

“Life’s always changing. We are always being called to adapt.” – Elizabeth Lesser, best-selling author and Omega Institute cofounder  Sometimes, it’s challenging not only to...

If Purpose Is Calling, I’ve Got an Answer

“I’m the one receiving all the benefits.” I heard this exact statement and about 10 different versions reflecting the same sentiment while meeting and...

RSVP for Connections, Companionship, and the Joy of Giving Back

Use of the French phrase répondez s’il vous plaît, or R.S.V.P. — meaning “respond, if you please” — dates back to 1845. In the...

Embracing the Power of Volunteering: Finding Fulfillment in Giving Back

We speak a lot about the importance of fueling our bodies with the proper foods, working out regularly, de-stressing, and prioritizing sleep. One area...

David Harry Stewart, Keynote Speaker for Health and Business Events

David is the founder and face of AGEIST, a media company and agency that champions the vitality, capabilities and influence of the modern 50+. He is...

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