

Corban & Blair: Cousins in Business

What are your ages and where are you located? Gillian Corban, 75; Amanda Blair, 62. We live and work in Sydney, Australia. How long have you...

A Career Change After Age 50? You Bet!

Do you dream of changing your career? Starting a business? Realizing your creative vision? Making an impact?  You’re not alone… In fact, the 2022 Women in the Workplace report...

Midlife Journey for High-Achieving Men: Craig Filek

You’ve mentioned you work exclusively with successful men wondering ‘What’s next?’ but I’ve also heard you describe your clients as “high-achieving misfits…” Yeah, high-achieving misfits...

Home Is Where the Work Is

About a decade ago, I found myself at a crossroads. As an ad agency producer aching to do something new, I asked myself: Where...

How We Launched a Startup in Our 60s

In their 60s, Shirley Gines and Dorothy Cunningham founded men’s skincare brand Bosq. They tell us how they did it, and provide resources for...

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