
Taylor Marks

Taylor Marks is a certified holistic health coach and professionally trained chef from The Institute of Culinary Education. Her passions include the latest research in health science, culinary arts, holistic wellness, and guiding others towards feeling their best.

Jolie Glassman: Transforming Lives

What is holding you back from committing to yourself? What would it take for you to become your own hero? Does trying something out of your comfort zone intimidate you? Jolie Glassman, the owner and operator of South Beach Boxing, coaches the young and old through psychological blocks...

Elaine Morrison, 51. How Healing Hashimoto’s, Hair Loss, and Fatigue With Collagen Created a Business

Elaine Morrison found herself in her 40s, battling Hashimoto’s disease and facing extreme burnout from her career. When searching for answers from professionals, she was told that it was normal for women in their midlife to not feel good and she didn’t like that answer. This led her down...

Nutrition Scientist Ashley Reaver: What To Eat and When To Eat It

What is the proper way to fuel our bodies? Should we be following a specific diet? What foods do I need to eat before a workout? What’s the deal with MCTs, being in ketosis, and intermittent fasting? The list of diet “religions” go on and on from paleo,...

Why I Drink a Fresh-Press Juice With Beets, Carrots, Blood Orange, and Ginger Every Morning. And Why You Should Too. 

I have been a home juicer for years. It’s cost-effective and has become a morning ritual for me to make 1 or 2 juices for the day ahead. Most of my juices consist of some variation of celery, cucumber, romaine, or parsley and every single morning I have celery juice...

Dr. Jeff Spencer: The Champion Mindset – Hold nothing back when it counts.

How do you become a champion? What is the champion mind versus the human mind? What is the friction in your life that is holding you back from moving forward and achieving the unfathomable? At the age of 11, Dr. Jeff Spencer wrote a contract with himself committing...

Collagen: 5 Things Men and Women Need to Know

What is collagen?  Collagen is a protein. Think of collagen as the building blocks for our hair, skin, nails, bones, muscles. It gives our bodies structure. Our body naturally produces collagen but as we get older, we produce less and less… and the collagen that we do produce is lower quality. There...

Dr. Kien Vuu: BioEnergetic Model of Health

Overweight, diabetic, hypertensive, on prescription meds, and starting to see the early signs of fatal chronic diseases at only 39 years old, Dr. Kien Vuu asked himself, “How did I get here? And how do I get out of here?” Working as an interventional radiologist and at...

Dr. Vonda Wright: Mobility Will Save Your Life

How do we live to our potential today? What role does movement and exercise have, and how much is enough? How does hormone replacement help for women? What about HRT for men? Dr. Vonda Wright shares her insights on everything from the effects of exercise after 40,...

Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway: Claiming Your Greatness

Why is it easier for younger people to put themselves out into the world? Do you find it challenging to claim your strengths? Do you diminish yourself to make others comfortable? Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway has enlisted her knowledge and experience as an award-winning psychologist and author of...

Alisa Volkman: Making Life Connected

The founder of Nerve, Babble and now The Swell, Alisa Volkman is confronting the question of why do we feel so awkward at an age when we should be feeling more grown? She is on a mission to reimagine the language and community surrounding midlife. Her newest...