David Stewart

David is the founder and face of AGEIST. He is an expert on, and a passionate champion of the emerging global over-50 lifestyle. A dynamic speaker, he is available for panels, keynotes and informational talks at david@agei.st.

Lyon, France: The Light Show

Light Show in Lyon Lyon, the other great city of France, pulls out all the stops for the Fête des Lumières. Dating back to 1643, the annual light festival taking place near December 8th started with the residents of Lyon lighting candles in their windows and giving offerings in the...

Changing Careers? Job Pivot? Enliven Entrepreneurial You

Entrepreneurial You Changing careers? Job pivot? We’ve had experts like David Cooley, John Tarnoff and Barb Hagerty telling us for some time that the single lifetime career may still exist, but is no longer the norm. Surveys are now showing that people are changing jobs and careers more often than ever. One interesting...

The Myth of the Midlife Crisis

I don’t know a single person who reaches their 50s and decides the right thing to do is go crazy and act like they are 24: divorce the spouse, buy a sports car, move to a remote island. It turns out that the reason I don’t know anyone like...

Anything is Learnable

Nothing is Unlearnable One of the themes that we write about frequently, which was so well articulated by Franck Benhamou last week and by Jacqueline this week, is the debunking of the self-defeating thought that we can’t learn new skills after a certain age. As evidence, I offer myself. Until 3...

Accelerated Medicine

We have been following the progress of a couple of fascinating techniques. The first is a gene editing technique CRISPR Cas9/gRNA therapy. A couple of years ago it seemed a promising technique, but there was talk of “off target mutation” events. Meaning, the wrong gene gets edited — not...


We recently noticed that international airfares to East Africa had fallen quite a bit, and thought it would be a good time to recommend Zanzibar, a quick local flight from Dar es Salaam or Nairobi. The city itself is a fascinating mix of African, Portuguese, and Arabic cultures. The...


As a well-traveled American, I had thought myself to be immune to wide-eyed urban experiences. Shanghai is next level: so new, so enormous, so full on, that nothing short of awe is appropriate. If you want to know how dated and last century we Americans are, go here to...

David Tang: Championing Elitism

Championing Elitism Last week, David Tang died from a battle with cancer. We know Tang from his weekly column in the Financial Times, where he wrote a column as Agony Uncle. Tang was an elitist — a concept he famously and humorously defended. It’s a word much maligned today, except...

Music: The War on Drugs

american music Layered, totally modern, with more than a whiff of Springsteen and Neil Young, the latest from Adam Granduciel is a claustrophobic and personal album, its overlays of sound presenting a private world. There is a skittering-to-the-edges sense of ungraspablity to this record, never quite revealing the characters.  It...

Allure to Stop “Anti-Aging” Use

a big week for anti-anti-aging Allure announced that it would stop using the word “anti-aging.” I have to wonder if they are making a pitch for a more minted older audience, or if they are having a semantic rethink. The idea that beauty is the sole province of the young is...